If I had to describe the fashion industry in one word it would be FAST. The industry is filled with quick ads, sales, and trends that come and go. Personally, I think there’s a better way to go about curating your latest outfits.
Thrifting is one of the easiest ways to sustainably shop and keep the stories of these vintage pieces alive. I'm not naive, I know what it’s like to hunt through hundreds of t-shirts and go home without finding that hidden gem. It can be frustrating, but when you do find that one sweater, or that one pair of pants that just right... it makes up for it all.
This is a collection of photos showing the start to finish of finding items and transforming them into something that fits the modern style without destroying the years of memories and stories that are embedded into the fabric.
These photos taught me more than any Forever21 or other ‘fast fashion’ brand could. They taught me to slow down, admire, and respect that classic fashion never dies. Thrifting also teaches you to be creative, to be able to envision a skirt out of an XXL shirt or a shirt out of a scarf... the possibilities are endless.
With this newfound knowledge, I say why stop, turn your closet into a time capsule. Instead of going to the mall, redirect to the nearest Goodwill, you will be amazed at the stories that jump off the rack at you. I know I will be. To learn more about the creation of this essay click here!

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